By: Innocent Mvundula

Sauda Kamanga 33 years old and a mother of three kids, left secondary school education sixteen years ago for an early marriage.

Now she has decided to go back and sit again on Mtakataka Day Secondary School desks, after noticing that is only education which can sharpen her future including of those her offsprings.

Sauda dropped out of school in 2004 rushing for marriage which has contributed much to her family poverty. “I have decided to go back to school since I have realised that school is the only key to my future and a weapon to deal with my poverty” Sauda quoted emotionally.

Mtakataka Secondary school is situated in Mtakataka within Dedza East constituency area of Senior Chief Kachindamoto.

Chief Kachindamoto (Theresa Samson Kachindamoto by her birth name) is the first chief in Malawi to embark in *girl child back to school project* which has ended up many under aged marriages and put the victims back to school.

Senior Chief Kachindamoto explained that once the under aged family has been ended the victims are obligatory send back to school and cared for by her foundation called *Kachindamoto Foundation Care.*

Those chiefs where the victims are coming from together with victims’ parents are being penalized and fined for allowing such early marriages.

This foundation has made her shine on the local and international scene and made her to win about 28 local and international, (African and World) medals of achievers through her successful project.

Sauda Kamanga with lots of smiles on her face said that she feels much happy being welcomed back at Mtakataka Secondary school where she will resume her studies this coming Monday in form 3 after 16 years of marriage.

“Yes the school life seems oky and very promising but I just lack books, pens, school uniform and other school necessities,” she concluded.

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