Police in Kawale have on July 08, 2022 challenged chiefs in Chilinde to join law enforcers in the fight against crime.The call was made at Chilinde 2 by the Station Officer for Kawale Police Station, Superintendent Chrispine Dzintambira who urged the chiefs in the area to buy the concept of community policing by among other things adopting crime prevention strategies as key in harnessing development in the area.”Development follows an area where there is assurance of security” said Dzintambira. The station officer shared his experiences in the running of Community policing Structures for them to be vibrant and assured the gathering that it is possible to win back public trust. Dzintambira further advised chiefs to break the silence by giving feedback. Your feedback is essential in security management. He added that Crime prevention Committees should join law enforcers in tightening up security in order to foster development in the area.Speaking earlier,Community policing coordinator Inspector Mayeso Chikadza put much emphasis on the need of tightening security and being spearheaded by chiefs as patrons. “Be leaders who set a good example for others to follow” said Chikadza.On his part, the Station Executive Chair (SEC) , Chiutira Subiri who also shared his experience in community policing work and the achievements made so far. Group village Katukumala commended the law enforcers for the timely visit who made a quick call to chiefs to buy the concept. All chiefs present have agreed to buy the idea and join the fight against crime by having vibrant teams. *Sub Inspector* *Mabvuto Phiri* *PRO-Kawale Police* *Station* *Cell:* *0995873467/0884240149* *Email* : *phiripreciousmabvuto* *@gmail.com* *Website;www.police.gov.mw*
*PRO-Kawale Police* *Station* *Cell:* *0995873467/0884240149* *Email* : *phiripreciousmabvuto* *@gmail.com* *Website;www.police.gov.mw*