Avant publications has Reports that Kasungu hospital have a faulty X-ray machine (as the machine has a problem with it’s hard drive), meanwhile all patients are referred to Madisi hospital and other neighboring health clinics to access the facility.
This development is not exceptional with other hospitals country wide. Infact, if an x-ray machine is faulty we have gathered that patients are referred elsewhere for further assistance.
One of the patients told this Publications. Name withheld
“I happen to be one of the group of people who have gone to Madisi hospital for an X Ray. In reality the machine is available but for one to access it you need to pay or have connections with the staff of the hospital. I feel like this is unfair treatment of the people who are part of the needful for the service.”
It is reported that those who had been in Kasungu have various issues about the X-ray machine at Madisi hospital. Our desk proposes that the Ministry of health looks into this matter.
Copied to: Deputy Minister of health