By Wongani Chipeta
The leadership of Karonga Seventh Day Adventist Church has asked their district minister, Pastor MSJ Moyo to leave the church office this September for his disgraceful behaviour which has spoilt the reputation of the church, Avant publications has confirmed.
It is alleged that Pastor Moyo who was posted to Karonga in January this year is undressing ladies to anoint them with oil while touch thier private parts in the process of the so called service.
According to the letter from the church council which Avant publications has seen, Pastor Moyo agreed to have been doing the service but defended himself to have been doing it in his capacity as an ordained minister of God. He said there are three such pastors in the Northern field who have this kind of anointing including Pastor Dr Mwale and Pastor Banda. The unmoved pastor said that they could even insert the Olive oil into the ladies private parts to heal cervical cancer.
In the meeting with the North Malawi Field Church Director, it was cleared that while the church guide book has the practice of anointing members with oil, it stipulates that men should anoint men or ladies should anoint ladies if it means the whole body anointing in the presence of other elder to which the pastor was doing it alone to ladies while two in office.
Meanwhile the victims to pastor Moyo’s act expressed ignorance that they thought it was accepted by the church for the pastor to do as it was as they simply had to follow the orders from the trusted man of God.
The act has brought some marriages to the breaking edge while some members have discontinued to attend the service at the church as the issue is an embarrassment to the church community.