by wongani Chipeta
As Malawi is anticipating the onset of the rainy season, thousands of Malawians are expected to continue being hit hard by flood related disasters as the Environmental Disaster Bill still hangs in air.
According to the weather forecast which Avant publications has seen on Monday, the Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services indicates that the coming rainy season will have some parts of the country suffer disasters and dry spells due to the influence of La Nina condition on Pacific Ocean.
The long awaited Environmental Disaster Bill aims at empowering authorities to relocate people living in disaster prone areas to uplands but as Avant publications reports it remains inactive.
Meanwhile, Avant publications has established that an Environmental activist Mathews Malata has since called on the government to do the needful by taking the bill to parliament.
Director of the Department of Climate change, Jolamu Nkhokwe has since appealed to Malawians to develop a culture of following up on daily weather updates as a precautionary measure to save life and property.
Malawian media outlets always give weather updates for each day which the public needs to follow and plan ahead of time.🇲🇼