By Innocent Mvundula

It is believed that Hon Chimulirenji entered into an agreement with the owner of Azit to buy maize and sell it to admarc. Due to political impulse the deal failed leaving the business man with 100 million loss. In an attempt to recover his money he sent Sheriffs for compensation but on the first place they agreed and went back with no action but today they are at it again.                                The sheriffs clearly indicated that they are acting on behalf of businessman Matias Bonongwe who is CEO of Agrizone International Trading (Azit) to impound the good at the house of nullified vice president Everton Chimulirenji in Chinsapo Lilongwe.

Sherrifs storms Everton Chimulirenji’s premises

Avant desk Reporters can confirm that, police officers arrived at the premises after Mr chimulirenji called them for assistance. Four people were arrested after they were violently causing discomfort to Mr Chimulirenji. The police took Mr Chimulirenji for statement recording to Area 3 Police.                                      

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